Dignity at Work

Definition of dignity at work

“Dignity at work” refers to the respect and ethical treatment every employee should experience in their professional environment. It’s an overarching concept that involves a wide array of factors, including but not limited to:


Everyone in the workplace should be treated with courtesy and respect. This includes respect for people’s personal space, privacy, and beliefs.


This means treating all employees as equals, regardless of their race, gender, age, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other personal characteristic. Discrimination and bias have no place in a dignified workplace.


Employers are responsible for ensuring a safe and healthy environment for their employees. This includes physical safety, mental well-being, and emotional security.

Fair Treatment

Employees should be treated fairly, with equal opportunities for everyone. This means that decisions about promotions, salaries, and other aspects of employment should be based on performance and abilities, not on favoritism or bias.


Acknowledging and appreciating an employee’s hard work and achievements helps to boost their self-esteem and encourages them to continue performing at their best

Freedom from Harassment and Bullying

All employees should be able to work without fear of being bullied, harassed, or victimized in any way. This includes any unwanted behavior that makes someone feel intimidated, degraded, humiliated, or offended.

Open Communication

A dignified workplace encourages open and honest communication. This means employees should feel comfortable voicing their concerns, ideas, and suggestions without fear of retribution.

Job Satisfaction

Employers should strive to create a work environment where employees find their jobs rewarding and fulfilling. This can be achieved through meaningful work, opportunities for growth and development, work-life balance, and supportive workplace culture.

Dignity at work means creating an environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and treated fairly, promoting a positive, productive, and healthy workplace.

Importance of promoting dignity in the workplace

Promoting dignity in the workplace is crucial for several reasons:

Employee Well-being

Employees who are treated with respect and dignity are likely to have higher job satisfaction and better mental health. This is because they feel valued and appreciated, which boosts their self-esteem and overall well-being.


Employees are more likely to be engaged and motivated when treated with dignity. This can lead to higher productivity levels as employees are more willing to put in the effort and contribute their best work.

Retention and Attraction of Talent

A workplace that values dignity is more likely to retain its employees and attract new talent. This is because people prefer to work in environments where they feel respected and valued.

Workplace Harmony

A culture that promotes dignity helps to reduce conflicts and tensions among employees. When people feel that they are being treated fairly and respectfully, they are more likely to have good relationships with their colleagues, leading to a more harmonious workplace.


Companies that promote dignity in the workplace often enjoy a good reputation. This can enhance their standing among customers, investors, and the broader community, contributing to their overall success.

Legal Compliance

Many countries have laws protecting employees from harassment, discrimination, and other forms of workplace mistreatment. Promoting dignity in the workplace helps companies comply with these laws, reducing the risk of legal penalties.


Respectful and dignified treatment encourages open communication and collaboration, which are key to innovation. When employees feel safe and respected, they are more likely to share their ideas and contribute to the creative process.

Overall, promoting dignity in the workplace is a win-win situation. It benefits employees by creating a positive, respectful, and fulfilling work environment, and it benefits employers by improving productivity, talent retention, and reputation.

Understanding Dignity at Work

Key elements of dignity at work

The key elements of dignity at work involve creating a positive, respectful, and equitable environment for all employees. Here are some of the crucial elements:


Every individual in the workplace should be treated with consideration and esteem. This respect should extend to their personal space, their opinions, and their rights as an individual.

Equality and Non-Discrimination

Dignity in the workplace is strongly associated with equality. This means treating all employees as equals, regardless of their age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. No form of discrimination should be tolerated.

Health and Safety

Employers must ensure the physical and psychological safety of their employees. This includes safeguarding them from potential hazards and ensuring the workplace is free from bullying and harassment.

Fair Treatment

Employees should be treated fairly, which means that decisions regarding hiring, promotion, remuneration, and other matters should be made based on merit and not biased or discriminatory reasons.


Recognition of employees’ hard work, talents, and achievements is crucial to maintaining dignity in the workplace. It makes employees feel valued and appreciated, which can significantly boost their morale and productivity.

Open and Honest Communication

A dignified workplace encourages transparency, honesty, and open dialogue. Employees should feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, or grievances without fear of reprisal.

Training and Development

Providing opportunities for personal growth and professional development also contributes to dignity at work. It shows employees they are valued and their employer is invested in their future.

Work-Life Balance

Employers should respect their employees’ time outside of work and support a healthy work-life balance. This might involve flexible work hours, remote working opportunities, and understanding personal commitments.

By incorporating these elements, employers can promote dignity.

How dignity impacts employee well-being and job satisfaction

Dignity at work has a profound impact on employee well-being and job satisfaction in the following ways:

Mental and Emotional Health

A workplace that respects and promotes dignity significantly contributes to better mental and emotional health. Employees who are treated with respect and fairness are less likely to experience stress, anxiety, and depression.

Self-Esteem and Self-Worth

When employees are treated with dignity, their self-esteem and self-worth are boosted. They feel valued and respected, which enhances their sense of personal significance and contentment.

Motivation and Engagement

Employees who experience dignity at work are more likely to be motivated and engaged. When they feel their contributions are valued, and their rights are respected, their willingness to commit to their tasks and to the organization increases.

Job Satisfaction

Through fair treatment, recognition, and respect, dignity at work increases job satisfaction. Employees are likely to feel more content and fulfilled in their roles when they’re treated with dignity.

Relationships with Colleagues and Superiors

A culture that values dignity is likely to foster healthier relationships within the workplace. Employees can interact more effectively with one another in an atmosphere of mutual respect and fairness.

Personal Growth

Workplaces that promote dignity usually support personal growth and career development. This support can significantly enhance an employee’s well-being, as it allows them to improve their skills, advance in their career, and achieve their professional goals.

Physical Health

Although less direct, there’s a link between dignity at work and physical health. Chronic stress caused by a lack of respect or dignity at work can lead to a variety of health problems, such as headaches, heart disease, or weakened immune systems.

In summary, dignity in the workplace is a fundamental requirement for the holistic well-being of employees, leading to increased job satisfaction, improved health, and a more harmonious working environment.

Creating a Dignity-Respecting Workplace Culture

Role of leadership in promoting dignity

Leadership plays a critical role in promoting dignity in the workplace. Here’s how:

Modeling Behavior

Leaders set the tone for the rest of the organization. If leaders treat everyone with respect and dignity, it creates a culture where these behaviors are expected and valued. Leaders must lead by example, demonstrating behaviors that show dignity, respect, and fairness.

Establishing Policies

Leaders are responsible for establishing policies that ensure everyone is treated with dignity. This could include policies against discrimination and harassment and policies promoting diversity, equality, and fair treatment.

Training and Education

Leaders should provide training and education to all employees on the importance of dignity at work. This includes training on how to treat others with respect, how to avoid discriminatory behaviors, and how to respond if they witness or experience disrespect or discrimination.

Open Communication

Leaders can promote dignity by fostering a culture of open communication where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, ideas, concerns, and problems. This involves being receptive and responsive to feedback and promoting dialogue at all levels of the organization.

Enforcing Policies

It’s not enough to simply have policies in place; leaders must also ensure they are enforced. This includes taking swift and appropriate action when breaches occur, showing that disrespect or discrimination will not be tolerated.

Recognizing and Rewarding Contributions

Leaders can promote dignity by recognizing and rewarding the contributions of all employees. This shows employees that their efforts are valued and appreciated, boosting their self-esteem and job satisfaction.

Promoting Personal Growth

By providing opportunities for personal growth and career development, leaders can demonstrate that they value their employees and respect their ambitions.

Building Trust

When leaders are transparent and ethical and demonstrate a commitment to dignity at work, it builds trust within the organization, reinforcing a positive work culture.

Leadership is central to promoting dignity in the workplace. The attitudes and behaviors of leaders, their ability to establish and enforce appropriate policies, and their commitment to treating everyone with respect significantly impact the work environment’s dignity.

Establish clear policies and guidelines.

Establishing clear policies and guidelines is critical to promoting dignity at work. It helps define the standards of behavior expected in the workplace and provides a framework for handling issues. Here are some steps for doing so:

Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy

This should clearly state that all forms of discrimination are prohibited and that all employees are given equal opportunities regardless of their race, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Harassment and Bullying Policy

This should clearly define what constitutes harassment and bullying and provide a zero-tolerance stance. It should cover both physical and psychological harassment and address issues like sexual harassment, cyberbullying, etc.

Code of Conduct

This umbrella policy outlines the general behaviors expected from all employees. It should cover things like respect for others, professional conduct, confidentiality, conflict of interest, etc.

Grievance Procedure

It’s essential to have a clear and fair process through which employees can raise concerns or complaints. This process should be confidential, easily accessible, and prompt, ensuring that issues are addressed effectively.

Whistleblower Protection

Encourage openness and transparency by protecting employees who raise concerns about illegal or unethical conduct. Assure them they will not face retaliation for speaking up.

Workplace Health and Safety Policy

This should cover both physical safety and mental health, ensuring employees are protected from harm.

Training and Development Policy

Outline the company’s commitment to ongoing employee learning, professional development, and career growth.

Flexible Working Arrangements Policy

This can promote work-life balance, a key aspect of respecting employees’ lives outside of work.

Internet and Social Media Use Policy

In today’s digital age, guidelines for appropriate internet and social media use, both at work and outside of work, can be important.

Once these policies and guidelines are in place, ensuring they are effectively communicated to all employees is essential. Regular training sessions should be held to educate employees about these policies, and they should be made easily accessible, for example, via the company intranet or employee handbook. Leaders and managers should be trained on these policies to ensure consistent implementation. Regular review of these policies is also recommended to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Encouraging open communication and feedback.

Open communication and feedback are crucial for maintaining dignity at work. They can create a positive work environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Here are some strategies for encouraging this:

Promote a Culture of Transparency

Make it clear that everyone’s thoughts, ideas, and opinions matter. Encourage employees to speak up, share their ideas, and express their concerns.

Use Regular Meetings for Feedback

Regular team meetings, one-on-ones, or town-hall-style meetings can provide opportunities for open dialogue. Encourage employees to express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas during these meetings.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Ensure any feedback given to employees is constructive, specific, and focused on behavior or performance, not personal characteristics. This helps to maintain their dignity while still promoting growth and improvement.

Create Safe Channels for Communication

Provide multiple avenues for employees to express their concerns or ideas. This could include suggestion boxes, anonymous surveys, or dedicated email addresses.

Encourage Peer-to-Peer Feedback

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback from their peers. This can foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Address Concerns Promptly

If an employee raises a concern or gives feedback, ensure to address it promptly. This shows that you value their input and are committed to improving the workplace.

Recognizing and Addressing Dignity Violations

Common examples of dignity violations

Workplace dignity violations can take various forms, from overt to more subtle behaviors. Here are some common examples:


This includes any unwelcome conduct based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. Harassment becomes unlawful when enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment or when the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.


This involves repeated inappropriate behavior, either direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical, or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, which could reasonably be regarded as undermining an individual’s right to dignity.


Treating employees differently or less favorably because of their race, sex, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected under anti-discrimination laws is a violation of dignity.

Exclusion or Ignoring

This can be more subtle but still a violation of dignity. Purposefully excluding someone from meetings, conversations, or activities they should be part of or consistently ignoring or sidelining them in the workplace can be deeply disrespectful.

Overworking Employees

Excessive workload, unrealistic expectations, or not providing reasonable work hours can strip employees of their dignity, especially when it’s done without respect for personal life and health.

Public Humiliation or Embarrassment

Criticizing, ridiculing, or shouting at an employee in front of others is a blatant violation of dignity.

Gossiping or Spreading Rumors

This form of indirect violation can cause significant harm to an individual’s reputation and self-esteem.

Denying Opportunities

Unfairly denying employees opportunities for training, promotions, or any other benefits based on favoritism, discrimination, or without proper reason violates dignity.

If an employee feels their dignity has been violated, it’s important for organizations to have clear policies and procedures in place to address these concerns, such as a grievance process. It’s also critical for leadership to cultivate a culture where dignity is valued and protected.

Importance of bystander intervention

Bystander intervention plays a crucial role in maintaining a dignified and respectful workplace. A bystander is a person who observes a conflict or unacceptable behavior. Their role isn’t neutral: their actions or inactions can significantly impact the outcome of the situation. Here’s why bystander intervention is important:

Preventing Escalation

When bystanders intervene promptly, they can prevent a situation from escalating, averting more serious harm or damage.

Support for Victims

Intervention by bystanders can provide immediate support to the victim, making them feel less alone and more validated in their feelings about the situation.

Cultural Impact

When people in a group or organization consistently intervene to stop inappropriate behavior, it sends a strong message about what is and is not acceptable, helping to shape the culture of the group or organization.

Breaking the Silence

In many cases, victims of harassment or bullying may feel powerless or afraid to speak up. Bystanders can play a key role in breaking this silence and bringing the issue into the open.

Sharing Responsibility

Bystander intervention shifts some of the responsibility for preventing inappropriate behavior from the victims to everyone present. This creates a more equitable distribution of power and responsibility.


Training employees in bystander intervention can empower them, giving them the tools and confidence to stand up against inappropriate behavior.

While bystander intervention is a powerful tool, it’s essential that bystanders feel safe and equipped to intervene in a way that doesn’t put them at risk. Training can provide bystanders with strategies for intervention, such as direct intervention, distraction, delegation (getting help from others), or documenting the incident. Organizations must also have policies and procedures in place to protect and support bystanders who take action.

Steps to address and prevent dignity violations.

Addressing and preventing dignity violations is crucial to creating a healthy and productive work environment. Here are some steps an organization can take to do so:

Create Clear Policies

Develop comprehensive policies around dignity and respect at work, including non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. These policies should be easy to understand and should be communicated effectively to all employees.

Training and Education

Train all employees about your policies and the importance of dignity at work. This should include training on recognizing and preventing dignity violations and bystander intervention training.

Investigate Reports Promptly and Thoroughly

Any reports of dignity violations should be taken seriously and investigated promptly and thoroughly. This shows employees that the organization is committed to enforcing its policies and maintaining a dignified workplace.

Enforce Policies Consistently

Once an investigation is complete, take appropriate action based on the findings. This could include disciplinary measures for violators or additional training for all staff. Be sure to apply these measures consistently to maintain trust in the process.

Provide Support for Victims

Offer support for employees who have been victims of dignity violations. This could include counseling services, mediation, or adjustments to their work environment.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

A diverse and inclusive workplace is less likely to experience dignity violations. Promote diversity in hiring, provide diversity and inclusion training, and create an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and respected.

Regular Reviews and Updates

Regularly review your policies and procedures to ensure they are still effective. This could be based on feedback from employees, changes in laws and regulations, or lessons learned from past incidents.

By taking these steps, an organization can significantly reduce the risk of dignity violations and ensure a respectful, productive work environment for all employees.

Dignity in Diversity and Inclusion

Embracing diversity as a cornerstone of dignity at work.

Diversity is indeed a cornerstone of dignity at work. Embracing diversity means recognizing, respecting, and valuing differences in race, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, and other characteristics. It also involves creating an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute to their fullest potential regardless of background. Here’s why diversity is so important for promoting dignity at work:

Respect for Individual Differences

By embracing diversity, an organization shows that it respects and values individual differences. This fosters a culture where every person’s unique traits and experiences are seen as valuable contributions rather than sources of division or conflict.

Equality and Fairness

A diverse workplace is likely to be more equitable, with opportunities and resources distributed more fairly. Equal opportunities for advancement and recognition support a sense of dignity and respect for all.


Diversity ensures a wider range of perspectives, experiences, and skills in the workplace, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving. Employees who see themselves represented in the organization feel more included and respected.

Reduced Bias and Discrimination

An organization committed to diversity is also likely to actively work against bias and discrimination, both of which are significant violations of dignity at work.

Fostering Empathy and Understanding

A diverse workplace can foster greater empathy and understanding among employees. As individuals interact with colleagues from a variety of backgrounds, they can learn to appreciate different perspectives and experiences, which can deepen mutual respect.

Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

When employees feel respected and valued for their unique traits, they are likely to be more engaged and satisfied with their jobs, which can lead to higher productivity and lower turnover.

To truly embrace diversity as a cornerstone of dignity at work, an organization needs to do more than hire a diverse workforce. It also needs to create an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and included and where diversity and inclusion are embedded in its policies, procedures, and practices. This might involve diversity and inclusion training, mentorship programs, resource groups, or other initiatives designed to support diverse employees and promote a culture of respect and dignity.

Fostering an inclusive and equitable environment.

Fostering an inclusive and equitable environment is crucial for any organization aiming to respect dignity at work. Inclusion refers to the degree to which diverse individuals can participate fully in the decision-making processes within an organization or group. Equity, on the other hand, ensures that everyone has access to the same opportunities. Here are some steps to foster such an environment:

Commitment from Leadership

The commitment to inclusion and equity should start from the top. Leaders should show their commitment not just through words but also through their actions. They should model inclusive behaviors and actively promote and implement equity strategies.

Inclusive Hiring Practices

Adopt hiring practices that attract diverse candidates. This may involve posting job openings in a variety of places, revising job descriptions to ensure they are inclusive, and training hiring managers to avoid bias in the recruitment process.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Cultivate a workplace culture that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusion. This can be done through diversity and inclusion training, celebrating cultural events, and creating affinity groups or Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

Inclusive Communication

Communication should be transparent and open and involve all members of the team. This may also involve considering different communication styles and potential language barriers.

Equal Opportunities for Advancement

Ensure that all employees, regardless of their background, have equal opportunities for advancement. This could involve offering mentorship programs, providing leadership training, or making sure diverse employees are represented in decision-making roles.

Regularly Review Policies and Procedures

Regularly review your policies and procedures to ensure they promote equity and inclusion. This could involve conducting diversity audits, soliciting feedback from employees, or consulting with diversity and inclusion experts.

Provide Flexible Work Options

Flexible work arrangements, like remote work or flexible hours, can help promote inclusion by accommodating employees with different needs and life circumstances.

Address Unconscious Bias

Conduct training to address unconscious bias in the workplace. Unconscious biases can hinder inclusion and equity, so raising awareness and providing strategies to mitigate them is important.

Act on Employee Feedback

Collect and act on employee feedback about workplace inclusion and equity. This can help you identify areas for improvement and show employees that their perspectives are valued.

Dignity in Conflict Resolution

Strategies for resolving conflicts respectfully.

Conflict is a natural part of human interaction and can occur in any workplace. However, managing properly and respectfully can lead to personal and organizational growth. Here are some strategies to resolve conflicts respectfully:

Open Communication

Encourage all parties involved in the conflict to express their feelings and perspectives. Create a safe space where people can talk openly without fear of retribution.

Active Listening

Encourage all parties to listen actively to each other. This involves hearing the words and understanding the emotions and intentions behind them.

Focus on the Issue, Not the Person

Encourage all parties to focus on the issue at hand and not make personal attacks. Discuss behaviors and actions, not personal characteristics.

Seek to Understand Before Being Understood

Encourage all parties to understand the other’s perspective before getting their point across. This promotes empathy and understanding.

Use “I” Statements

Encourage the use of “I” statements instead of “you”r” statements. For example, “I feel frustrated when my ideas are not considered” instead of “You never consider my ideas.” This can help reduce defensiveness.

Find Common Ground

Try to identify areas of agreement. Even if the conflict seems insurmountable, some common ground can usually be found.

Develop Solutions Together

Encourage all parties to work together to develop solutions to the conflict. This promotes ownership and commitment to the resolution.

Seek Mediation If Needed

If the conflict cannot be resolved through direct communication, consider seeking help from a third party, like a mediator or a manager.


After a resolution has been reached, follow up to ensure that the agreed-upon actions are being implemented and the conflict has been truly resolved.

Promoting empathy and understanding during disagreements

Promoting empathy and understanding during disagreements is essential for maintaining a respectful, inclusive, and productive work environment. It can help defuse tension, facilitate effective communication, and lead to better conflict resolution. Here are some strategies for promoting empathy and understanding:

Create a Safe Space for Expression

Create an environment where all parties feel safe to express their feelings and perspectives without fear of retribution or dismissal. This can help individuals feel more understood and valued.

Active Listening

Encourage all parties to listen actively to each other. Active listening involves fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively hearing the message. It includes giving your full attention to the speaker, reflecting, paraphrasing, and clarifying to confirm understanding.


Acknowledge and validate the feelings and perspectives of each party, even if they differ from your own or each other’s. You don’t have to agree with someone to validate their experiences and emotions.

Teach Empathy

If the team seems to struggle with empathy, consider implementing empathy training or workshops.

Model Empathy

Leaders should model empathetic behavior in their interactions. When leaders show understanding and empathy, it sets a tone for the rest of the team.

By promoting empathy and understanding, disagreements can become opportunities for growth and learning rather than sources of division and conflict. It’s important to remember that it’s possible to disagree without being disagreeable; empathy is key to achieving that.

Impact of Dignity on Organizational Success

How dignity enhances productivity and creativity.

Maintaining dignity in the workplace is not only essential for ethical reasons, but it also significantly impacts productivity and creativity. Here is how dignity enhances these aspects:

Employee Engagement

When employees feel respected and treated with dignity, they are more likely to feel connected to their work and organization. This engagement can drive increased productivity as employees are more motivated to contribute to their best ability.

Psychological Safety

A culture of dignity creates a sense of psychological safety, where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas and taking risks without fear of embarrassment or punishment. This environment fosters creativity, as employees are more likely to share innovative solutions and out-of-the-box ideas.

Reduced Stress and Burnout

A work environment that values dignity and respect contributes to less employee stress and burnout. Lower stress levels can enhance productivity and creativity by allowing employees to focus more effectively on their tasks rather than on interpersonal conflicts or negative emotions.

Team Collaboration

Dignity fosters an environment of trust and mutual respect, which are essential for effective team collaboration. When team members feel respected and valued, they are more likely to cooperate, share ideas, and work together towards common goals, enhancing productivity and creativity.

Talent Attraction and Retention

Organizations that uphold dignity in the workplace tend to attract and retain top talent. When talented employees stay and are happy and engaged; it naturally results in increased productivity and more innovative ideas.

Employee Well-being

Treating employees with dignity enhances their overall well-being, which can lead to reduced absenteeism and turnover. Employees who are physically and mentally healthy are more likely to be productive and creative.

Learning and Growth

A dignified environment encourages continuous learning and growth. When employees are unafraid of making mistakes and are open to constructive feedback, it fosters a continuous improvement culture that can lead to increased productivity and creativity.

Reducing turnover and promoting employee loyalty.

Dignity at work is indeed a powerful tool for reducing turnover and promoting employee loyalty. When employees feel valued, respected, and treated with dignity, they are more likely to feel a sense of loyalty to the company and less likely to seek employment elsewhere. Here’s how dignity at work plays a role in these aspects:

Creates a Positive Work Environment

An environment where dignity is upheld is likely to be positive and respectful. Employees are more likely to enjoy coming to work when they feel that their rights and dignity are respected, enhancing their loyalty to the organization.

Boosts Job Satisfaction

When treated with dignity, employees are likely to be more satisfied with their jobs. Higher job satisfaction often leads to lower turnover rates, as satisfied employees typically have less desire to leave the organization.

Increases Trust

Upholding dignity in the workplace helps build trust between the organization and its employees. When employees trust that they will be treated fairly and with dignity, they’re more likely to stay loyal to the organization.

Enhances Engagement

Employees who feel that their dignity is respected are more likely to be engaged in their work. Greater engagement often leads to lower turnover, as engaged employees are usually more committed to the organization and its success.

Promotes Psychological Safety

Dignity at work fosters a sense of psychological safety, where employees feel they can be their authentic selves without fear of negative consequences. This can lead to increased loyalty as employees feel more comfortable and accepted in the workplace.

Improves Performance

When employees are treated with dignity, they’re likely to perform better. They will be more motivated to work hard and contribute to the organization, which can enhance their sense of loyalty.